After maybe 10 hours of work, I now have a port of my current progress to Gtk+. This time included creating Makefiles, and writing all of the concrete Gtk+ classes from scratch. This is a very important milestone because it illustrates just how portable the core architecture is. Compared to the amount of effort that it took getting the first implementation of where I am at this point running on Cocoa, 10 hours is practically nothing, and is exactly the desired result for constructing a toolkit in this manner. This doesn't mean Cocoa or MacOS X was more difficult to develop for, it's just that by isolating the platform specifics as I have, my job in going to a new platform is dramatically easier (I expect the same amount of effort in going to Win32, though I will have to do a little more research into my choice of concrete toolkits -- Win32? Something else more .NET-ish? My guess is Win32 is the right choice, but we shall see. I'll supply more details regarding what I had to do to get a Gtk+ port in a later post. But for now, here is a screen shot:
Trixul - Cross-Platform Development in C++
Read along as I chronicle my efforts to develop the Trixul Cross-Platform GUI Toolkit. Trixul is a simple cross-platform toolkit that will be featured in my next book on the subject of cross-platform development in C++. Content posted to this blog is Copyright 2004 - 2006 Syd Logan, All Rights Reserved, and may not be duplicated or republished without the written permission of the author.
About Me
- Name: Syd
- Location: Southern California, United States
Software developer, instrument pilot, and guitarist living in Southern California.
Previous Posts
- This blog has moved
- I've ceased blogging about Trixul, moving focus fr...
- I'm looking for persons who are experienced in C++...
- Changes to the box layout algorithm and implementa...
- I'm on vacation for 2 weeks to try and wrap up the...
- Trixul is now in the source forge CVS repository. ...
- I just submitted a request to host trixul on sourc...
- And, finally, a few hours later, .NET checkboxes a...
- Here's the Gtk+ screenshot. As it turns out, I nee...
- The following JavaScript code is attached via oncl...
- 07/17/05
- 07/20/05
- 07/24/05
- 07/25/05
- 07/30/05
- 08/30/05
- 09/03/05
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- 10/23/05
- 11/13/05
- 12/03/05
- 12/13/05
- 12/15/05
- 12/17/05
- 12/19/05
- 12/21/05
- 12/26/05
- 12/27/05
- 12/29/05
- 01/01/06
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- 02/18/08
- 04/28/10
Tuesday, December 13, 2005